A community where we all exchange our homes

Hoomies Club is an open door to the world to all those travelers who believe in a different way of traveling, the home exchange. Sharing what we have with other people who want to feel at home wherever they travel.

Save money

Travel more

Travel like a local

Enjoy the recommendations of our members on the HoomTips.

Travel with no limits

Join Hoomies Club with members that think and travel like you.

Discover a new way to travel

Discover a new way to travel

Enjoy the comfort of a private home on your vacation. Live the experience of traveling as a local and not as a tourist.

Save money during your travels on accommodation

Save money during your travels on accommodation

All members share the same values of respect, trust and hospitality to enjoy this way of traveling, through home exchange.

Enjoy personalized guides made by other members

Enjoy personalized guides made by other members

Recommendations and directions from members on HoomTips advising the most interesting things to see, eat and do near by their homes.

Our values


The desire to receive people at home and to do it with pleasure is the only condition for a successful home exchange. All Hoomies Club members share the same values, we always respect the houses where we stay the same way we want other members to respect and take care of our houses when other members stay in them.


Thanks to that all Hoomies Club members and their homes are verified, you can have full confidence in them. In addition, in order to be part of the Club, all members have to host other members in their home as well as enjoy free accommodation by staying in other members’ homes. Hoomies Club is a community of people who make home exchange a reality.


Hoomies Club allows you to experience home exchange as a guest prior than a host. Using HoomCoins or with a reciprocal exchange, home exchange is first and foremost an exchange of hospitality. That’s why members are committed to do everything they can to treat other members as if they were friends or family, making other members feel at home. And when we are guests, we take care to respect the house where we are staying.


Communication is paramount in both directions, from the hosting member to the hosted member and vice versa. For this purpose, there is a chat, where the details of each exchange are registered and through which you can communicate with other members whenever you want. It is important to explain what motivates you to make the exchange, with whom you will be traveling and other details; by doing so, the host member will be able to help you to a greater extent to make your stay easier and more pleasant.


As easy as saying thank you. Each host, each home and each of our vacations are unique. Saying thank you is important before, during and after the exchange because, even if it is with HoomCoins, it is always nice to receive a detail of thanks, it changes everything.

Discover our destinations

Limitless travels exchanging your home

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